Clean Dog, Clean Home: Your Dog Bathing Guide
Nothing can make a home smell and feel dirtier than a dog that hasn’t had a bath in a while, and while bathing them every day isn’t usually recommended, you should certainly try grooming and bathing them at least once a month. For your specific breed of dog, it’s best to seek veterinary advice to know just how often you can (and should) bathe your dog.
So, if you’re fed up of your home smelling like your dog, here’s a quick and simple guide to doggy bathing:
1. Choose where you will wash your dog
Whether your dog is a fan of baths or not, they can raise merry hell when the water starts to flow, so always try to pick a bathing station that can cope with the amount of water and spray that will likely ensue! You might find a sink suitable for a smaller dog, while a tub or shower may be ideal for larger breeds.
2. Groom them first
It’s important to groom your dog on a regular basis, especially if they’re a longer haired breed, as this will remove loose hair that would otherwise be deposited all over your home, just be sure to do it in a space where the hair and dander can easily be cleaned up; outside is ideal. But grooming before a bath is equally as important as it will reduce the amount of hair you’ll need to clean from the tub or sink afterwards.
3. Fill tub or sink with lukewarm water
For many dogs, running water isn’t their friend, so it’s best to fill the tub or sink before placing them inside it, and then use a jug for rinsing them with clean water.
4. Soak and get all sudsy
Use a jug or your hands to get your dog thoroughly wet, and always avoid getting too much water on their head, and certainly not in their ears or eyes. While you can wash their head, note that most dogs will then feel compelled to shake themselves from head to toe once you do, so saving this until you’ve washed them from the neck down, might be a good idea.
Using your preferred doggy shampoo, pour it over them and get them all lathered up, talking in soothing tones to them as you do, while gently rubbing the shampoo in. once they’re all soaped up, remove the plug and drain the sink or tub before rinsing.
5. Rinse and repeat!
It’s really important to remove all traces of the shampoo from your dog, as this helps to protect against itchiness and dry, flaky skin.
6. Towel dry
Depending on how furry your dog is, you might need several towels to get them dry, and it’s best to try and dry them while they’re still in the sink or tub. They should be left to air dry then, although if your dog will tolerate being blow-dried, you can do so, just be sure to use a low, cool setting.
7. Reward
Rewarding your pet with a tasty treat following a bath helps them to see it as not such a bad ordeal, and may make them a little better behaved the next time around (may!). Then, sit back and watch as they zoom around your home at breakneck speed in joyous celebration of the fact that bathtime is over – until the next one!
While you can’t hire a professional cleaner to wash your dog, you can hire one to keep your home looking and smelling fresh, and if you’ve got pets at home, a regular session from a professional cleaner can make the world of difference.